
Tips page4

Age-Proofing Your Resume
You're in your mid-fifties, and after decades of steady employment in your field, you're back on the job market. Looking for work when you'd rather be looking forward to your retirement is no picnic, but as an added challenge, it may seem that many employers are actually put off by your age, and are not excited about your track record of experience. You may have more to offer than your younger counterparts in terms of in-depth knowledge and skill, but you also command a higher salary. And in this tight economy, many employers are more interested in saving money on salaries than comparatively minor training costs...  Continue Reading >>
What Employers Want To Know About You
One piece of advice you always hear resume experts give is to include "measurable results" in your resume. Numbers and percentages are like magnets that attract a hiring manager's attention because they act as proof of what you're capable of achieving.
Compare the following two statements:
        • Skilled contract renewal negotiator...  Continue Reading >>
How to Find a Job Search Mentor
Where to Look For Great Mentors
The road to a fulfilling new job can be long and full of challenges. If satisfying careers grew on trees, there'd be no need for placement services, career counseling or websites like LiveCareer. But as you set off on this difficult path, remember that you aren't alone, and that countless job seekers and hardworking citizens all around you have traveled this way before. And if you keep your ears open and learn from the experience of others, you may be able to save yourself from considerable struggle and anxiety...  Continue Reading >>
How to Evaluate Good and Bad Career Advice
How to Recognize Bad Career Advice, How to Recognize Good Career Advice
We've discussed before how using your dating skills can help you find a job. But career advice is like romantic advice in some other ways as well. We often need it, sometimes we ask for it and everyone seems to love giving it whether they've been asked or not. Without it, we would face an uncharted world alone and we'd be constantly reinventing wheels and working to solve problems that we could easily overcome if we just tuned into the wisdom and life experience of those around us...  Continue Reading >>
Performance Evaluation Time: How to Handle a Negative Review
So your performance review didn't go so well. Before sitting down with your manager, you knew there were a few areas in which you struggled, and you already knew you weren't the top performer, strongest seller or highest achiever on your team. But you had no idea the situation was this bad. You stepped into the office expecting a B-minus, or C at worst, and maybe a warning. But what you received was a bona-fide flunking review. Before sending you back to your desk, your manager made sure you realized how lucky you are to still work here, and you've been ordered on no uncertain terms to get your act together. What now? Here are a few things to keep in mind as you move forward...  Continue Reading >>
Qualifications Can Increase Earning Power
Becoming a graduate or taking an advanced degree such as a masters can boost an individual's earning power and their long-term salary prospects.
According to a study by Gabriella Walker of the University of Georgia citing statistics from the US Census Bureau found that graduates with an advanced degree typically earned salaries more than twice as high as high school graduates, stated...  Continue Reading >>
Decision Time: Job Search or Graduate School?
So you're deciding whether or not to go the graduate school route, a decision that will impact the next two to eight years of your life. A deeper level of knowledge and possibly greater earning power are some obvious and appealing benefits. But as long as you're in school you won't be able to commit yourself to the day-to-day requirements of a full time job.
Meanwhile, if you give up school in exchange for the workforce, you'll be able to invest your time and energy in immediate financial gain. You'll save the money that would have gone into your tuition and hopefully continue a steady climb up the career ladder...  Continue Reading >>
5 Career Tips for Choosing the Right Degree
Choosing the right degree for your future is one of the most difficult decisions a young student has to make. After all, your major could have a huge impact on your first job. And at the very list, your major will determine which university you choose. The last situation you want to find yourself in would be graduated from college with a four-year degree, wishing you could go back to school and re-do your studies in a different field.
But don’t worry! The following career tips will help college students pick the right degree...  Continue Reading >>
Top 10 Soft Skills in Demand
Degrees and credentials are important, but the development of soft skills—skills that are more social than technical—are a crucial part of fostering a dynamic workforce and are always in high demand. Have you taken inventory of your soft skills set? You may have skills that are high in demand and now even know it.
We have all gained skills from past jobs, responsibilities, life experiences and interests. You may even have hidden skills that, when identified, can be added to your resume and help you to become a better contender in your job search.
What Are Soft Skills?...  Continue Reading >>
Is Your Job Keeping You Single?
U.S. government data reveals that up to 44% of the U.S. workforce is single – and it may be because of work. Here are 4 reasons why your job might be keeping you single and what to do about it.
1. "I don't have time to date."
Many people who are single say their jobs don't leave them with enough time to meet Mr. or Mrs. Right. You may have made a conscious decision to make career your #1 priority. Or it may be that pursuing your dream job is easier than pursuing your dream partner. Whatever the reason, dedicating too much of your time and energy to your career will cause your dating life to flounder...  Continue Reading >>

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