
Tips page5

For A Successful Career, Do What You Love
A former lawyer in Arkansas is living proof that a successful career is usually more about doing what you love instead of just making money.
This week, the Northwest Arkansas Times spoke with Dr. Stan Baker about his recent career change from attorney to animal acupuncturist. The Fayetteville, Arkansas resident has reportedly managed to combine his love for animals with his belief in acupuncture and other ancient healing techniques...  Continue Reading >>
Signs You Should Leave Your Job

Dread going to work? Worried you're going to lose your job? Feeling burned out or left out at the office?
How do you know when the trouble is just a little blip you'll soon get past, and when it's time to dust off your resume and start perusing job postings? "Some of the best signs that it's time to move on will come from you, not the workplace," says Ed Muzio, the author of "Make Work Great." For other signs, you may need to look outside yourself.
Check out these 15 signs that you might want to consider leaving your job, as related by career experts--and employees who have "been there, done that...  Continue Reading >>
How to Choose the Right Career for Your Personality
In less than 10 seconds, you could probably think of a friend who’s unhappy with their job and wishes they could be somewhere (anywhere) else. While you may not always be able to find the career that’s perfect for you, it’s possible to match yourself up with the job that fits your personality. It’s much easier to achieve career goals when your job feels like a natural extension of who you are.
1. Take a personality test...  Continue Reading >>
5 Ways to Get the Job You Want
In today’s tough economy, you may wonder how you can get any job at all, much less the job you really want. The truth is: if the job you want exists, there’s a way to land it. You just have to think long term. Here are seven ways to get the job you want.
1. Be the Person Your Dream Employer Wants to Hire
Instead of just thinking about the job you want, think about the person—the exact candidate—that the employer wants to hire. Then, take steps to become that person. If you need a college degree, earn one...  Continue Reading >>
5 Habits of a Successful Job Hunter (#3 Will Surprise You)
Ten workers enter the job market on the same day. All 10 have lost their jobs due to company restructuring, and all 10 are looking for positions similar to or one level above the jobs they’ve left behind. They’re all adequately qualified, experienced, educated, and motivated.
A few months later, three of these candidates have found ideal new positions and are thriving. Two have settled and accepted less-than-perfect offers. And the remaining five are still submitting resumes, skimming job boards, leaning on their networks, and crossing their fingers. What do the first three have that the others don’t?...  Continue Reading >>
Having an Open Mind May Help Individuals Find New Jobs
A person who is unhappy with their job may find through a satisfaction test that it is time to embark on a new career path. However, it can be intimidating to enter the job hunt amidst a slow economy. Career expert and author Carrell Chadwell says there are a few tips individuals can take into consideration to market themselves successfully to employers.When applying for a new job, keeping an open mind and accepting the possibility of working in a different position can be helpful...  Continue Reading >>
How to smoothly change careers
Many people have taken the economic downturn as a way to explore new career opportunities or go back to school and learn more about different industries. However, the change can be a little rough for some.
Kimbery Bishop, the founder of a career management firm, told MonteNews that before changing a career people should set time aside and really zone in on what they are looking to achieve at their next job. They should set goals and write down what they liked and didn't like about their current job...  Continue Reading >>
When to decline the job offer
It’s hard to say no once you finally get a job offer. Many people jump at the first job offer that comes their way or feel pressured into accepting, even though the job may not meet their needs.
Here’s a short checklist of things to consider before blindly accepting a job offer:
1. Is the salary adequate? How much you are paid is usually the biggest consideration when taking a new job. If you receive an offer where the pay is less than you are looking for, take a moment to do the math.
Add up the cost of your living expenses (be sure to include the cost of your commute and your savings goals), find out if there are any perks or benefits that make up the difference, research salaries for similar jobs in your area and make an educated decision on whether the salary will work for you...  Continue Reading >>
Fall In Love With These Jobs
Have you been bouncing from one job to the other in search of something real and fulfilling? If you are tired of playing the field, it's time you consider what really captures your heart for long-term potential. Results from a recent survey on the most satisfying jobs might help steer your eyes—and heart—in the right direction.
The National Organization for Research at the University if Chicago recently completed a survey on the top 10 jobs that have the highest career satisfaction. Not surprisingly, all jobs require one or more of the top four most recognized rewarding actions: caring for, teaching, protecting others and taking on creative pursuits...  Continue Reading >>
Help! My Coworker Just Doesn’t Like Me
You're generally not a bad person. You may not have been voted "most popular" in high school, but people tend to enjoy your company, and you have no trouble making friends. Sometimes strangers curse at you when you accidently cut them off in traffic, but other than that, you don't have too much trouble getting along in the world.
So why, pray tell, does your coworker get so agitated every time you walk into a room or open your mouth during a meeting?...  Continue Reading >>

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