
Tips page3

Make the Most of Your Career
Part of enjoying your career is getting the absolute most out of it each and every day. Are you maximizing your potential? Are you taking every step possible to excel in your job? If not, then you need to get on track and work for your success. You only get out of your career what you put into it. Heed the advice below to make the most of your career...  Continue Reading >>
 8 Biggest Workplace Taboos
 When is falling asleep or knocking back a stiff drink just not OK? When you do it at the office (or behind the wheel). But each day millions commit these common workplace taboos -- and even more scandalous ones.
Not all workplace no-no's are created equal in terms of seriousness or consequences, says executive recruiter and career counselor Bruce Hurwitz. "Some taboos can be forgiven or raise concerns about your well being. Others can result in immediate dismissal," he says...  Continue Reading >>
5 Career Tips You NEED to Hear
Ambitious workers are always looking for a great career tip that will help them grab the corporate ring. While the following tips aren’t your run-of-the-mill pieces of career advice, they’ll help you launch a successful, lucrative career.
1. Focus on professional success before looking for happiness in your career...  Continue Reading >>
Enough is Enough: When to Walk Away From a Job You Thought You Wanted
No matter which career field or industry you decide to step into, an iron grip and a total unwillingness to give up will serve you well… But undying commitment and tenacity can be dangerous when misplaced.
As in many aspects of life, success in the professional world is a matter of balance and judgment. And if there's a time to hang onto something—a plan, a goal or an expectation—with white knuckles, there are also plenty of times when it's smarter to let things go...  Continue Reading >>
How to Become a Successful Retail Employee
After weeks spent scanning postings and polishing your resume, you finally landed an interview for your dream job in retail. And after some careful preparation and practice with the help of LiveCareer’s interview tips, you stepped up to the plate, aced the interview and received your official job offer within a few days.
You don’t know what the future holds, but you do know one thing with certainty: you love this company, and you’ll do anything to excel at this new job. Here are few moves...   Continue Reading >>
Will you miss the hiring season?
‘Tis the season for job seekers to strategize. As the holidays approach, it's the time for job seekers to polish off their resumes and up their job-hunting strategies to land a seasonal position. Competition is stiff this year as one quarter of retailers plan to reduce their number of seasonal hires. Instead of feeling discouraged, take advantage of the following strategies to land one of these coveted positions.
Strategy #1: Start early
Companies develop budgets and hiring plans for the holiday season as early as September...   Continue Reading >>
Career Changes Become Common
The decision to change careers can refresh an individual's interest in his or her work. For many a career change can represent an expression of freedom from one's current position or an opportunity to find greater job security by developing other skills. For others, changing jobs may allow one to pursue more genuine interests. Regardless, careers in a variety of fields are attainable at any age...   Continue Reading >>
Expert Advice: What to Do Once You Receive a Job Offer
After months of sending out resumes and going to interviews, you’ve finally been presented with a job offer. In your excitement, and possibly out of desperation, you’re thinking about accepting the offer on the spot.
But if you want to make sure that you’re treated fairly by your new employer, then you need to stop and follow a few simple steps...   Continue Reading >>
Aptitude, Resume Tests May Help Individuals Seek Jobs
An individual who finds their current job to be unsatisfying may want to consider a career change. However, a resume test may reveal that it is missing keywords and information that could potentially encourage an employer to hire an applicant. There are a few things individuals should keep in mind before trying out the job market, according to the Jewish Journal.
Experts recommend including a variety of jobs on a resume. This can give an employer an idea of how far an applicant has come and a grand scope of their experience. Individuals are encouraged to include volunteer experience on their resumes as well...  Continue Reading >>
IT Professionals Offered Tips On Alternative Career Moves
IT professionals may have more diverse career skills than they suspect, according to a recent book.
This Week, reported on a book by former IT executive Janice Weinberg called Debugging Your Information Technology Career. According to the website, the book offers IT professionals 20 different options they can pursue with their backgrounds, including healthcare administrators, insurance underwriters and stock analysts...   Continue Reading >>

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