
5 Ways to Get the Job You Want

In today’s tough economy, you may wonder how you can get any job at all, much less the job you really want. The truth is: if the job you want exists, there’s a way to land it. You just have to think long term. Here are seven ways to get the job you want.

1. Be the Person Your Dream Employer Wants to Hire

Instead of just thinking about the job you want, think about the person—the exact candidate—that the employer wants to hire. Then, take steps to become that person. If you need a college degree, earn one. If you need work experience, get it. If you need certain character traits, develop them. Don’t just find the right job for you, be the right person for the job.

2. Work Your Way Up

Just because you didn’t get hired for your dream job today doesn’t mean that the job can never be yours. Look for a lower position within the same company or a related position at a different company. Then you can gain the additional experience you need to work your way up to your dream job. Oftentimes, companies will give first hiring preference to people that are already employed at their company.

3. Make Connections

Getting hired is not just a matter of being qualified for the job; sometimes you have to know the right people. Increase your visibility by making connections with other people in your field. You can do this by attending events and conferences, volunteering, and joining professional organizations. Join sites such as LinkedIn, where you will want to completely fill out your profile and network with other professionals in your field.

4. Polish Your Resume

While your resume might not earn you a job by itself, not having an excellent resume can certainly prevent you from getting one. Interviewers who have hundreds of resumes to look through often look for reasons to throw them out to narrow down the list. If your resume has errors, missing information, or is full of irrelevant information, it will likely go straight to the recycle bin.

5. Nail Your Interview

If you are lucky enough to get an interview, it’s essential that you leave a positive, memorable impression. Arrive early, dress appropriately, bring an extra copy of your resume, and don’t be afraid to sell yourself (without coming across as desperate). Practice common interview questions and research the company thoroughly ahead of time so you can always give an intelligent answer.

6. Don’t Burn Bridges

When an employer is considering hiring you for a job, he or she will almost always call your former employers to see what type of employee you are. Therefore, it’s essential that you always do your best no matter what job you have. Even if you’re only working at a temporary job, work hard as though you were working at your dream job. This will help your employer notice you and give you a positive review when a new employer calls.

7. Search Far & Wide

While you can find several jobs on online job search sites and in the newspaper, not all jobs are advertised so conspicuously. Check individual company webpages. Look in the newspaper for stories about company expansions. Contact employers who you think might be looking to hire in the near future. Use your connections to learn about new job leads. You can even post updates on your personal Facebook page letting people know you are job searching. One of your friends or family members might have a lead.
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