
Study in New-Zealand

Benefits for studying in New Zealand include: Whilst New Zealand is a small and distant destination, it is a unique country in which to study and gain a qualification. You'll find the rewards are well worth making the journey for, as well as training that simply can't be found anywhere else in the world. No wonder New Zealand is the ultimate outdoor adventure playground, offering every kind of thrill and degree of blood-pumping adrenalin adventure to pure hedonistic relaxation and pleasure. New Zealanders are famed for their friendliness, hospitality and warmth to overseas visitors, and enjoy meeting folk from other cultures You can expect a high standard of living conditions Secondary and tertiary education in New Zealand offers an attractive and stimulating academic environment. The institutions are diverse in size and location, and offer a wide range of general and specialist courses The quality of a New Zealand tertiary education is well-recognised internationally Many New Zealand graduates go on to postgraduate study in other countries, prior to taking up careers overseas or in New Zealand New Zealand offers a safe and stable democratic political environment A great variety of recreational and cultural experiences are available in a country renowned for its natural rugged beauty, yet without any dangerous animals Living and tuition costs compare well with other countries Travel to New Zealand is easy, with direct flights from most major cities Of course, there are many sports activities: schools, universities and colleges offer excellent sport facilities for students who want to play tennis, squash, cricket, basketball, soccer, netball, softball or rugby. Many of these activities and sports are within walking distance or easy travelling time from student campuses.

Planning Your Study

The most important issues to consider when planning your study are:

    your present English level
    your previous education
    what qualification you want to achieve
    the entry requirements of this qualification
    whether this is the most appropriate and realistic qualification for you
    how long you wish to study in New Zealand
    the cost of study and living
    what you want to do when you complete your study in New Zealand

What to study in New Zealand
English Language School Secondary School Foundation Studies Undergraduate and Degree Studies Postgraduate Studies Study Abroad New Zealand MBA Degrees

The academic year
The academic year in New Zealand begins in late February or early March (end of summer) and finishes in November (spring). Most of the universities in New Zealand operate on a semester system, although a few divide the academic year in trimesters or quarters.

There are eight government-funded universities in New Zealand, some of which have become famous in specialist subject areas such as Medicine, Engineering, Law, Veterinary Science and Agriculture and Environmental Studies.

    University of Auckland
    Auckland University of Technology
    University of Waikato
    Massey University
    Victoria University of Wellington
    University of Canterbury
    Lincoln University
    University of Otago

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