
Study in Germany

Why Study in Germany? Globally, about 1.8 million students go abroad to attend a university. Nearly one tenth of those students choose to come to Germany. Germany has a lot to offer foreign students, be they first-year students or postgraduates. Combining traditions and modern technologies More than 300 universities are featured on Campus Germany, from time-honored institutions offering the classical repertoire of subjects such as Medicine, Law, English and German to innovative new institutions of higher education with inter-disciplinary study programs. German universities are open to anyone who fulfills the prerequisites, and academic freedom is one of the basic principles of the German university system. That one of the reasons German public universities don't charge tuition fees. You'll only have to pay for your education at a few private schools.

Combining research and study

German universities have been the scene of many groundbreaking discoveries, gaining them international renown. Modern German universities also combine theoretical work with its practical application. They both educate and train - basic research is augmented by applied research. Interdisciplinary cooperation is common, and many learning institutions cooperate closely with multinational firms and with research institutes in Germany and abroad. In the end, this increases graduates' chances on the job market.

Many of today's students no longer want a purely theoretical education. A variety of comprehensive universities and universities of applied science in Germany offer balanced academic training necessary for a professional career. Practical experience in regional companies is often part of the curriculum. German companies are interested in attracting well-trained graduates from abroad. And in many cases, these former students can continue to work for the company as a foreign spokesperson once they return home.

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