
Use Your Dating Skills to Find a Job

At first glance the process of looking for a job seems to be worlds away from the dating game. After all, one is about work, the other love. But drill down a little deeper, and you'll find they're peas in a pod. This Valentine's week, let's take a look at why these strange bedfellows are actually so much alike.

Look for the perfect fit. In dating, you're not going to settle for just anyone. The same goes for the job search look for positions that match your skills and abilities and companies that share your values.

Use professional services. "Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match!" becomes "Headhunter, headhunter, find me a job!" An employment service can help "introduce" you and can open the door to opportunities that you might not be able to find yourself.

Rally your connections. Just as many people find long-term relationships through connections, many great jobs start through your network of friends, relatives, and colleagues who know you are looking.

Show the real, unique you. Your resume should stand out from the stacks of resumes because of the unique qualities you bring to the job. Be specific about your skills and show how your past achievements can benefit your future employer.

Be interested without being desperate. If you like the company or job opportunity, follow up with a short email or phone call to let them know you're interested, but you don't want to look desperate. Too many phone calls or emails might scare them away.

Confidence is attractive on a date or in an interview. Emphasize your strengths and what you've accomplished so far without dwelling on negative past experiences. Remember that a firm handshake, strong eye contact, a great posture and enthusiasm go a long way.

Negotiate. When you're ready to get serious, make sure you ask for what you need. Even perfect matches involve a little give and take. Especially if playing a little hard to get may mean a slight bump in salary.

Here's to being lucky in jobs and in love this Valentine's Day!

Some tools to help you find your match
Activate your online resume to increase your chances of finding a job. Singles are going online to find dates, just as employers are looking for your online resume.

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