
Legal Studies Can Open Many Career Opportunities

For people who are interested in pursuing legal careers, the current recession is driving home the lesson that there's much more to the field than just working in a law firm.

This week, the Indiana University website ran an article on a recent panel discussion about alternative legal careers.

All of the participants had legal degrees, but were currently working in fields that included freelance writing, academia, journalism, nonprofit management and the corporate world. With many major law firms in the news recently cutting back on positions, this is potentially important information for students to hear about.

"Even those who start at (a law) firm will likely go in another direction since, on average, 80 percent of law graduates from across the country leave their jobs within the first five years," Michael Keller of the university was quoted as saying.

One of the attorneys, Rebecca Robbins, was quoted as saying how valuable her legal skills had turned out to be in journalism, and how her degree had led to many new open doors in her career.
Some people begin legal careers by working as paralegals – a job the Department of Labor Statistics has indicated will be very much in demand in the coming years. However, legal training can also potentially serve as a springboard to opportunities in almost any industry.

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