
Career Coaching Helping People Find Jobs

Many individuals find that they are not satisfied with their current jobs, but fear the difficulty that comes with making a career switch. Entering a new field may just require a little encouragement, according to FOX-34 News.

Career coaching is growing in popularity as more individuals seek new jobs for more fulfillment. Experts say that the frustration of searching for another job can be overwhelming. The frustration that comes with applying and interviewing can make applicants depressed. Career coaching is helping more individuals create a strategy and find the perfect job.

"When people want to and they're committed to doing a different job they need to put together a plan," career coach Joel Boggess told the news source. "And that is part of the career coach process, is putting together that plan."

Coaches help individuals emphasize their skill assets on resumes and reach out to industries that are in demand.

The unemployment rate was 9.6% in October, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. As more individuals struggle to look for jobs, career coaches are helping people stand out from other applicants.

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